This unusual grey and mixed pink flowers tea cosie has been featured in several Etsy treasury`s with a "Romantic" theme....(?)

The colours in this bright and beautiful cosie really put me in mind of the Mediteranean painters;Cezanne,Van Gogh,Monet mostly.It has a sunny gardeners paintbox look about it.

One of the flowers in this cosie looks like it could be an upturned mushroom cup.This is definitely a garden in Autumn theme.

The perfectly harmonized colours in this tea cosie are a really delightful collection and the big triple layered poppy it`s radiant red star attraction.The cream wool has an unusual fuzzy felt texture.

Have sold a few of these coral pink flower basket tea cosies now.And they really are much prettier than they look in the photo`s -you can`t see all the mixed pink wool flowers from just one side!

Lovely Garden Pond Style Crochet Tea Cosie.A blue tea cosie would simply be a blue tea cosie,the cleverly descending shades of blue used to create this cosie really suggest water,without having to add embroidered goldfish!

What flower garden is ever complete without the big bees?There are four different shades of beige wool used up in the creation of this pretty floral cosie.
Finally.Folksy! Might have blogged this previously but i now have a Folksy shop with a selection of MollysKnitted items in.I started with around 25 items,now have around 23/22.This has been my problem with Folksy-no sales.I only ever seem to be logging into the site to remove items that have sold elsewhere[Ebay,Etsy]Not likely to relist if i don`t recover listing costs[just under £5}Bit galled with it.If i was French i would spit but i am not so Tut! Hmf! and Pht!