Friday, 25 May 2012

Knitted Soft Toy Animals

This unique family of Teddy Bears having a Picnic cute soft toys are all adorably little.The Father bear is about the height of a tea pot,the children no taller than a mug and the little baby bear fits in the palm of your hand.They all fit snugly in a decorated shoebox and come with picnic rug and cupcakes.
The little baby bears blanket folds around it but is not attatched.
This sweet little Bambi like knitted soft toy roe deer has a beige colour wool that is fluffier than most wools.Stands unsupported.
This unique tortoise really cannot be repeated,his many buttons shell is created from a button collection that gathered over many years and it would be impossible to recreate him exactly.He is heavier than your average soft toy and with his armoured back,not that soft!
These two beautiful creatures are unusually pretty snakes!They each have little silk ribbon flowers sewn into the longer furry wool sections of their striped bodies.
They are quite long and were a bit tricky to photo."Snakes In A Frame "seemed like a good idea at the time.Then i realised the frame not being for sale it might be misleading to title them that*head desk*
This little cuddly cat is one very cute creation.Plumped up with a soft polyester stuffing,he will simply sit beaming contentedly wherever you put him...

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Blue and Red Tea Cosie`s

This is a very bright red wool tea cosie,chilli red.The flowers are all curled up around the edges as though caught in mid bloom
You would be hard pressed to find a Tea Cosie More blue than this one!Every flower is blue and the Basket itself is more than one shade of blue.
The grey wool used in the flower basket of this Tea Cosie is much softer than most wools.

This dark blue basket tea cosie with light blue flowers has silver thread in amongst the flowers petal layers and along the sides of the baskets handle.It is a deep evocative midnight blue and really gets that "by the light of the silvery moon"song lyric stuck in my head.Which is double annoying as i suspect the rest of the song to be rubbish as i don`t recall any of it,or the singer,or the title...

This dark grey wool is a bit unusual,having whispy bits of white throughout it.Reminds me of a wet rainy wind swept seaside town as you can tell from the title.